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Portal Creation

The MASV API allows authorized users to create portals under any team that they belong to (access policy).

Portals can be created as regular or private. Packages received via a regular portal can be viewed by all team members, while packages uploaded to private portals are accessible only for the team members included in the portal's access list. Private portals require that an access_code be specified. By default, all portals are regular.


The private portals feature is only available for a limited number of customers. To request access for your team, please contact

Method Route
POST /teams/{team_id}/portals
Name Type Required Description
X-User-Token String Yes User JSON Web Token
Content-Type String Yes Must be application/json
URL Parameters
Name Type Required Description
team_id String Yes The team id to bind the portal to.
Name Type Required Description
name String Yes Name of the portal to create
subdomain String Yes Subdomain of the portal to create
message String Yes Message displayed on the portal upload page
recipients Array of Strings Yes Email(s) that will receive notifications for portal uploads
access_code String No Access code to be able to access portal upload page
has_access_code Boolean No Enable/disable access code for portal page
download_password String No Password to protect download access on any package uploaded to this portal
has_download_password Boolean No Enable/disable download password for portal packages
active Boolean Yes Enable/disable portal page
logo_url String No URL for logo to be displayed on portal page
background_url String No URL for background image of the portal page
primary_color String No HTML hex code for primary color used on portal page
tag TagObject No An optional tag object used to assign a tag to the new portal. When a portal has a tag, all packages created on the portal are assigned the portal's tag. See the Tag Objects for tag fields.
language String No An optional field used to store the language code for the portal.
custom_expiry_days Integer No Length of storage days for packages that belong to the portal
access_level String No Portal access level, can be regular or private. It is regular by default (if omitted)
access_list Array of Strings No List of user membership IDs with access to the portal and its received packages. It is empty for regular portals.


If you set custom_expiry_days to -1, Unlimited Storage will be activated and Unlimited Storage charges will be incurred daily beyond the free period included with the team subscription for users who have activated their account. Trial accounts cannot extend the expiry beyond the original date given on creation - it can only be set earlier. How does Extended Storage Work?

curl  -d "{\"name\": \"$NAME\", \"message\": \"$MESSAGE\", \"subdomain\": \"$SUBDOMAIN\", \"recipients\": [\"$R1_EMAIL\"], \"access_code\": \"$ACCESSCODE\", \"has_access_code\": true, \"download_password\": \"$DOWNLOADPASSWORD\", \"has_download_password\":true,\"custom_expiry_days\":$CUSTOMEXPIRYDAYS}" \
-H "X-User-Token: $USER_TOKEN" 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-X POST$TEAM_ID/portals

After a successful request where a portal has been created, this endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 201 Created and a body similar to the one below.

  "active": true,
  "has_access_code": true,
  "has_download_password": true,
  "id": "01CTDNW11G67NKHQW5JE8TP2TJ",
  "message": "Hello world!",
  "name": "My portal",
  "tag": {
    "id": "01CTDNW91C67JSHQW5JE8TGGEZ",
    "name": "test tag name"
  "recipients": [
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]"
  "subdomain": "customesub",
  "language": "en",
  "custom_expiry_days": 0,
  "access_level": "regular"

Response Properties:

Property Description
active The enable/disable state of the portal.
has_access_code Is an access code required.
has_download_password Is a password required for download.
id Portal id for the portal created.
message Message displayed on the portal upload page.
name Name of the portal to create.
recipients Email(s) that will receive notifications for portal uploads.
subdomain Subdomain of the portal created.
tag A Tag Object representing this portal's tag. If the portal does not have a tag, tag is excluded from the response.
language The language code for this portal. If no value was set on the portal language it will be empty or omitted from the response.
access_level Portal access level, can be regular or private.
access_list List of user memberships with access to the portal and its received packages. It is empty for regular portals.

Access list object:

Name Type Required Description
membership_id String No User's membership ID
name String No User's name
email String No User's email

Portal Update

The MASV API allows authorized users to update portals under any team that they belong to (access policy).

The user performing the update must have the manage_portals permission OR their team membership ID must be included in the access list (for private portals only). Users who do not have manage_portals permission but have their membership ID included in the access list cannot: - remove their own membership ID from the portal's access list - change the portal access level from private to regular

Method Route
PUT /portals/{portal_id}
Name Type Required Description
X-User-Token String Yes User JSON Web Token
Content-Type String Yes Must be application/json
URL Parameters
Name Type Required Description
portal_id String Yes The ID of the portal you are updating.
Name Type Required Description
name String Yes Name of the portal to create
subdomain String Yes Subdomain of the portal to create
message String Yes Message displayed on the portal upload page
recipients Array of Strings Yes Email(s) that will receive notifications for portal uploads
access_code String No Access code to be able to access portal upload page
has_access_code Boolean No Enable/disable access code for portal page
download_password String No Password to protect download access on any package uploaded to this portal
has_download_password Boolean No Enable/disable download password for portal packages
active Boolean Yes Enable/disable portal page
logo_url String No URL for logo to be displayed on portal page
background_url String No URL for background image of the portal page
primary_color String No HTML hex code for primary color used on portal page
tag TagObject No An optional tag object used to assign a tag to the new portal. When a portal has a tag, all packages created on the portal are assigned the portal's tag. See the Tag Objects for tag fields.
language String No An optional field used to store the language code for the portal.
custom_expiry_days Integer No Length of storage days for packages that belong to the portal
access_level String No Portal access level, can be regular or private. It is regular by default (if omitted)
access_list Array of Strings No List of user membership IDs with access to the portal and its received packages. It is empty for regular portals.


If you set custom_expiry_days to -1, Unlimited Storage will be activated and Unlimited Storage charges will be incurred daily beyond the free period included with the team subscription for users who have activated their account. Trial accounts cannot extend the expiry beyond the original date given on creation - it can only be set earlier. How does Extended Storage Work?



The below request/response examples do not list all fields. When updating a portal, it is important that you provide the full portal object. A typical workflow would be: Get Portal > Modify Fields > Update Portal.

curl  -d "{\"name\": \"$NAME\", \"message\": \"$MESSAGE\", \"subdomain\": \"$SUBDOMAIN\", \"recipients\": [\"$R1_EMAIL\"], \"access_code\": \"$ACCESSCODE\", \"has_access_code\": true, \"download_password\": \"$DOWNLOADPASSWORD\", \"has_download_password\":true,\"custom_expiry_days\":$CUSTOMEXPIRYDAYS}" \
-H "X-User-Token: $USER_TOKEN" 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" 

After a successful request where a portal has been updated, this endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200 OK and a body similar to the one below.

  "active": true,
  "has_access_code": true,
  "has_download_password": true,
  "id": "01CTDNW11G67NKHQW5JE8TP2TJ",
  "message": "Hello world!",
  "name": "My portal",
  "tag": {
    "id": "01CTDNW91C67JSHQW5JE8TGGEZ",
    "name": "test tag name"
  "recipients": [
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]"
  "subdomain": "customesub",
  "language": "en",
  "custom_expiry_days": 0,
  "access_level": "regular"

Response Properties:

Property Description
active The enable/disable state of the portal.
has_access_code Is an access code required.
has_download_password Is a password required for download.
id Portal id for the portal created.
message Message displayed on the portal upload page.
name Name of the portal to create.
recipients Email(s) that will receive notifications for portal uploads.
subdomain Subdomain of the portal created.
tag A Tag Object representing this portal's tag. If the portal does not have a tag, tag is excluded from the response.
language The language code for this portal. If no value was set on the portal language it will be empty or omitted from the response.
access_level Portal access level, can be regular or private.
access_list List of user memberships with access to the portal and its received packages. It is empty for regular portals.

Access list object:

Name Type Required Description
membership_id String No User's membership ID
name String No User's name
email String No User's email

Listing Portals

Authorized users can list all portals under any team they belong to (subject to access policy).

Method Route
GET /teams/{team_id}/portals
Name Type Required Description
X-User-Token String Yes User JSON Web Token
URL Parameters
Name Type Required Description
team_id String Yes The team id to bind the portal to.
curl -H `X-User-Token: $USER_TOKEN` \
-X GET$TEAM_ID/portals

After a successful request, this endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200 OK and a body similar to the one below.

        "id": "01CNH24NGPTJTMXWWM2J8E2V8V",
        "message": "Hello world!",
        "name": "My portal",
        "subdomain": "myportal",
        "has_access_code": true,
        "has_download_password": true,
        "tag": {
          "id": "01CNH24NGPTJTMXGGEZJ8E2J2K",
          "name": "test tag name"
        "custom_expiry_days": 0,
        "recipients": [
            "[email protected]",
            "[email protected]"
        "language": "en",
        "access_level": "regular"
        "id": "01CNEM9H2AG0MVH33X0EVDY8AQ",
        "message": "Hello world, again!",
        "name": "My other portal",
        "subdomain": "myotherportal",
        "has_access_code": false,
        "has_download_password": false,
        "custom_expiry_days": 0,
        "recipients": [
            "[email protected]"
        "language": "fr",
        "access_level": "private",
        "access_list": [
            "membership_id": "01CNEM9H2AG0MVH33X0EVDYYPT",
            "name": "user1",
            "email": "[email protected]"
            "membership_id": "01CD5R9H08GOT6HTYU0EVDQW3E",
            "name": "user2",
            "email": "[email protected]"
Response Properties:

Property Description
[] Top level array of portal objects.

Listing Portal Packages

Authorized users can list packages uploaded to any portal under their team(s) subject to access policy).

Method Route
GET /portals/{portal_id}/packages?expired=1&finalized=1&new=1
Name Type Required Description
X-User-Token String Yes User JSON Web Token
Name Type Required Description
expired Boolean No If expired packages should be included in response
finalized Boolean No If finalized packages should be included in response
new Boolean No If new packages should be included in response
archived Boolean No If archived packages should be included in response


The expired, finalized, new and archived parameters are optional and allow for filtering the package list to include packages in these states. If none of them are passed or all are set to 0 then only packages in the finalized and expired states will be returned.

URL Parameters
Name Type Required Description
portal_id String Yes The portal id that we are getting packages from.
curl -H "X-User-Token: $USER_TOKEN" \
-X GET$PORTAL_ID/packages?expired=1&finalized=1&new=0

After a successful request, this endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200 OK and a body similar to the one below:

    "id": "01CNH4M62513B3FT70FXNFS6YS",
    "created_at": "2018-08-22T11:39:07.717-04:00",
    "updated_at": "2018-08-22T11:39:10.271-04:00"
    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MzU1NTgxMDksImx2bCI6ImYiLCJzdWIiOiIwMUNOSDRNNjI1MTNCM0ZUNzBGWE5GUzZZUyIsInR5cCI6InBhY2thZ2UifQ.T1tTJkqcaaptWtHg59Ta94LcYl8DomtnY8ieYVdqP_I",
    "state": "finalized",
    "name": "Test package #1",
    "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit",
    "progress_channels": [],
    "unlimited_storage": false,
    "sender": "[email protected]"
    "id": "01CNH4WNNKZC5FWVG1V100JTXH",
    "created_at": "2018-08-22T11:43:45.843-04:00",
    "updated_at": "2018-08-22T11:43:47.111-04:00"
    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MzU1NTgxMDksImx2bCI6ImYiLCJzdWIiOiIwMUNOSDRXTk5LWkM1RldWRzFWMTAwSlRYSCIsInR5cCI6InBhY2thZ2UifQ.Y2gI_a_utNNlU_nujZch0zLIDdZ5EDMtQpohIFifvXA",
    "state": "new",
    "name": "Another package",
    "description": "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium",
    "progress_channels": [
            "auth": {
                "auth_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                "channel_name": "proc.upload.01CNH4WNNKZC5FWVG1V100JTXH",
                "publish_key": "pub-c-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                "subscribe_key": "sub-c-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
            "provider": "pubnub"
    "sender": "[email protected]",
    "unlimited_storage": false
    "id": "01CXBDDNMJR5QQJ3298WQBGT1G",
    "created_at": "2018-08-22T11:43:45.843-04:00",
    "updated_at": "2018-08-22T11:43:47.111-04:00"
    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MzU1NTgxMDksImx2bCI6ImYiLCJzdWIiOiIwMUNOSDRXTk5LWkM1RldWRzFWMTAwSlRYSCIsInR5cCI6InBhY2thZ2UifQ.Y2gI_a_utNNlU_nujZch0zLIDdZ5EDMtQpohIFifvXA",
    "state": "expired",
    "name": "Another package",
    "description": "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium",
    "progress_channels": [],
    "sender": "[email protected]",
    "unlimited_storage": false


If the referenced portal has a tag, each package created since the portal was given a tag will have the portal's tag.

Response Properties:

Property Description
id The package id requested.
created_at Time that the object was created at
updated_at Last time the package was updated.
access_token Auth token required to interact with the package.
state Indicates the state of the package
Possible Values: new, finalized, expired, archived
progress_channels PubNub progress events. Reports the progress of zip file creation for finalized packages.
progress_channels.upload Reports the progress of initial package upload for new packages only.
links List of download links created for this package.


MASV integrates with PubNub for publishing and subscribing to progress messages. They provide client SDKs in several programming languages. More details can be found on their developer documentation website.

Listing Portal Package Files

Authorized users can list package files uploaded to any portal under their team(s) subject to access policy). The listing will include all files that are a part of the uploaded package.

Method Route
GET /packages/{package_id}/files
Name Type Required Description
X-Package-Token String Yes Package JSON Web Token
curl -H "X-Package-Token: $PACKAGE_TOKEN" \

After a successful request, this endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200 OK and a body similar to the one below:

    "id": "01CNH4M62EFJFX5F7XTC9GZWDF",
    "kind": "file",
    "name": "photo.jpg",
    "path": "/some/directory",
    "size": 193022
    "last_modified": "2018-08-22T11:39:10.280-04:00",
    "kind": "file",
    "name": "my-image.png",
    "path": "/anotherpath",
    "size": 72012
    "last_modified": "2018-08-22T11:39:10.280-04:00",
    "id": "01CNH4M8J88WSVS7P3NMB1HG42",
    "kind": "zip_windows",
    "name": ""
    "last_modified": "2018-08-22T11:39:10.280-04:00",
    "kind": "zip_mac",
    "name": ""
    "last_modified": "2018-08-22T11:39:10.292-04:00",
Property Description
id The file id requested.
kind Indicates the kind of file
Possible Values: file, directory, zip_windows, zip_mac
name File or directory name.
path The relative path in file system.
size The file size in bytes. (If applicable)
last_modified File's last modification date.

Archiving/Unarchiving Portal Packages

Authorized users can archive or unarchive multiple packages that were previously in an expired state and received through a specific portal (subject to access policy).

Archived packages can be separated from Expired packages using the filters on the package list. The Unarchive action will put the packages back to an expired state.

Method Route
PUT /portals/{{ portal_id }}/packages/{{ package_id }}/archive
PUT /portals/{{ portal_id }}//packages/{{ package_id }}/unarchive
Name Type Required Description
X-User-Token String Yes User JSON Web Token
Content-Type String Yes Must be application/json
Name Type Required Description
expiry_start String Yes Earliest package expiry date-time to archive/unarchive from
expiry_end String Yes Latest package expiry date-time to archive/unarchive to
Name Type Required Description
package_id String Yes Package ID for which to grab data from.
portal_id String Yes The portal id that we are getting packages from.
curl  -d "{\"expiry_start\": \"$EXPIRY_START\", \"expiry_end\": \"$EXPIRY_END\"}" \
-H "X-User-Token: $USER_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST$PORTAL_ID/packages/archive

After a successful request where the package(s) have been moved to or from the archived state, this endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 200 OK and include a body similar to the one below.

    "total_updated": 51

Response Properties:

Property Description
total_updated Number of records that were effected.

Portal Deletion

The MASV API allows authorized users to delete portals that they have created.

Method Route
DELETE /portals/{portal_id}
Name Type Required Description
X-User-Token String Yes User JSON Web Token
URL Parameters
Name Type Required Description
portal_id String Yes The id of the portal to delete
curl -X DELETE \
-H "X-User-Token: $USER_TOKEN" \$PORTAL_ID

After a successful request where a portal has been deleted, this endpoint will return an HTTP response with a status code of 204 No Content.