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Getting started

MASV Agent (formerly MASV Transfer Agent) is a cross-platform service that manages file transfers to and from MASV. It functions primarily as a CLI tool, but uses a local REST API server under the hood that can be called directly.

It supports the upload and download of multiple packages simultaneously, while abstracting file system interactions. The MASV Agent is used to transfer terabytes of data every day, reliably and quickly. It is also stateful—it stores metadata about transfers and user sessions in order to carry out its responsibilities and survive interruptions and shutdowns.


With a native binary

The recommended way to run MASV Agent is to install it natively. To do so, please follow our Native setup guide.

With Docker

MASV Agent is also provided in a Docker container image. This allows for ease of use between many different operating systems and architectures. See our Docker setup guide.

Running MASV Agent

To start the MASV Agent, you must first start the local server via:

masv server start


You can configure the server using these command-line flags:

Flags Type Default Description
api-key String N/A API key used for authentication with the MASV API
autoresume Boolean false If specified, automatically resumes paused transfers as soon as the server starts
chunk-size String 100MB Target chunk size for uploads and cownloads, formatted as {number}{unit}
config-dir String $HOME/.masvsrv Storage location for configuration files, including the database file
listen String http://localhost:8080 Listen address. If the port is not specified or 0, the port will be system-assigned.
log-format String [%lvl%] %time%: %msg%\n Easy Logrus log format
log-level String debug Log level: debug, info, warning, error
log-out String stdout Where the logs are written: stdout, stderr, {filename}
log-timestamp-format String 15:04:05 Easy Logrus timestamp format
secret-key String N/A Secret key that the server will require as a header, for local security purposes
transfer-cleanup-days Integer N/A If specified, transfers older than this number of days will be automatically deleted from local history (minimum 1)
version null N/A Shows the current version/build number, as well as any available updates

After the server is up, you can start using the rest of MASV Agent's commands.

Help and more info

You can see a list of available commands and flags with:

masv -h

You can check which version of MASV Agent you have by running:

masv version

You can gracefully stop the local server by running:

masv server shutdown

Next steps

  • Downloads: Start, monitor, and manage downloads with the MASV Agent.
  • Uploads: Start, monitor, and manage uploads with the MASV Agent.
  • Storage Gateway: Set up secure remote access to your physical storage.